It's that time of the year again when while bidding Adieu to the year gone by and welcoming 2010, we wish to share with you how we fared in 2009.

We moved! Yes, finally we did it. We began thinking about it when Taran and Roshan were born. But, as both, Ritesh and Nidhi, grew up hearing, reading and watching 5 year plans, it got hardcoded in our sytems. So this year when the boys turned 5, we finally decided to stop procastinating and promptly bought a house. Please visit us in our new abode. We would love to have you over as long as you don't mind the rooms that are not yet done up and the boxes that are yet to be opened. After all that is our next 5 year plan.
The house buying/selling process proved to be a blessing in disguise for the US economy.
Nidhi now knows all the Home Depot staff as if they were family. In fact Home Depot is planning to feature her in their new marketing campaign titled, "If she can fix it, so can you."
Travelling was another perk that came out of the home selling process. While the realtors and their clients were viewing the house, we were away enjoying Washington DC, Bar Harbor and Acadia (Maine), Toronto and Switzerland. While in Switzerland, we travelled extensively on the Swiss trains, thanks to the Swiss rail pass we bought on the first day of our 2 week trip. On a single day, we boarded as many as 13 trains. We have been told that it is a feat that should be recorded in the Guiness Book of World Records. On the flip side, we have been informed by confidential sources that the Swiss Train Authorities have blacklisted the Idnani family. 
After Taran and Roshan's success on the ice, Ritesh and Nidhi decided to learn ice skating as well and join the boys on the rink to make it a "family sport". After a few lessons, when Ritesh began asking questions such as, "What is the statistical probability of me using the one foot glide?" and "Is my learning curve evening out?" causing the instructor to squirm in her skates, the couple decided that it is best if Ritesh sticks to his weekend siestas while the rest of the family race each other on the ice.
Taran and Roshan have had a spectaculor 2009. They are enjoying their Kinder
garten year. They are always eager to learn and happy to share stories about their family with their class (we all know where that came from). They have also become avid chess players winning the "New Jersey State Team Championship" trophy for their school and tieing for the second spot in the state (for their grade level). They also participated in their first Nationals and won the third place team trophy and the 1st place trophy in the "Under 600 rating" section. The boys have now taken upon themselves to coach their parents. Please wish them good luck in this herculean effort. They are unaware that they are not playing with a full deck. But then maybe, it could be their 5 year plan.
Happy 2010 to all of you. May the New Year bring happiness, success, good health and good luck to you and your loved ones.
We moved! Yes, finally we did it. We began thinking about it when Taran and Roshan were born. But, as both, Ritesh and Nidhi, grew up hearing, reading and watching 5 year plans, it got hardcoded in our sytems. So this year when the boys turned 5, we finally decided to stop procastinating and promptly bought a house. Please visit us in our new abode. We would love to have you over as long as you don't mind the rooms that are not yet done up and the boxes that are yet to be opened. After all that is our next 5 year plan.
The house buying/selling process proved to be a blessing in disguise for the US economy.
Nidhi now knows all the Home Depot staff as if they were family. In fact Home Depot is planning to feature her in their new marketing campaign titled, "If she can fix it, so can you."

After Taran and Roshan's success on the ice, Ritesh and Nidhi decided to learn ice skating as well and join the boys on the rink to make it a "family sport". After a few lessons, when Ritesh began asking questions such as, "What is the statistical probability of me using the one foot glide?" and "Is my learning curve evening out?" causing the instructor to squirm in her skates, the couple decided that it is best if Ritesh sticks to his weekend siestas while the rest of the family race each other on the ice.
Taran and Roshan have had a spectaculor 2009. They are enjoying their Kinder
Happy 2010 to all of you. May the New Year bring happiness, success, good health and good luck to you and your loved ones.
The Idnani Family
with love
Karin Katherine