Hello everyone,
My name is Nidhi Idnani and I am Sachin's cousin. Since everyone seems to be stoned here, I have taken upon myself the duty to give the Best Man speech (yeah, I know sisters are not traditionally the ones who are given this honor, but then I have known Sachin so closely that I am certain I shall fulfill this responsibility).
Sachin and I have almost grown up together, and in some ways I have been a quasi mother to him. I have watched him crawl, I have fed him, cleaned up after him just like I did last night when he was pissed drunk and hopping like a kangaroo in his Armani suit, showing off his engagement ring and singing, "I am taken, I am taken. The 59th one finally said YES." and the following minute passed out (possibly worrying about what Shilpa was getting into).

Typically, at this point of the best Man speech, the speaker traditionally meanders into different stories about the groom in various compromising situations involving the usual vices of binging, boozing and womanizing. How ever, tonight I will do no such thing for I do not wish to implicate myself (only in the boozing part), and his dear friend, Manohar, in any of these sordid allegations of the said debauchery.
People who know me, know very well that I love my brother very much and our family is very proud of his accomplishments this far in life. There isn't nothing I would not do for him and likewise there is nothing he would not do for me; in fact we've spent most of our time doing nothing for each other. But today, I do wish him the very best. So, ladies and gentlemen, here is a toast to the newly wed couple, Sachin and Shilpa. I wish you peace, health and eternal happiness.
Even is Shilpa felt remotely secure, you've assured her of the deadlock she's got herself into..More when I attend the party and "kaan bharo" a bit more:))
Shilpa, surely you're taking all those drunken tales with bags of salt. Anyways, fikar not, cuz Sachin is a real sweetheart... or, so we're led to believe ;)
And who knows,going by the contents,maybe someday this blog will get converted into a book and get public and critical acclaim...and I will brag that I have a entire date and page dedicated to me in there:-)
And yeah, Mr.Sachin Arora may have metamorphosed into a sweetheart now (or so I am told;-) but I'll be all ears to the "Confessions of a Quasi Mom" when we meet on the 7th :-)I'm sure there is a lot that has gone into making Sachin the 'rangeela' mr.arora that he is today:-)