Little Red Riding Hood - fairy tale or a "silly story"

I was reading "Little Red Riding Hood" to Taran and Roshan when I noticed that Taran had a smirk on his face. I asked him about it and this is how the conversation progressed:

Me: Taran, is everything ok?
Taran: Mummy, this is a silly story.
Me: Why?
Taran: In the story the wolf meets Little Red Riding Hood in the woods and asks her where she was going. Then the wolf went to her grandmother's house to wait for Litle Red Riding Hood so that the wolf could eat her up. If the wolf wanted to eat her up then why did he not eat her up when he met her in the woods?!?! He wasted so much time by running to the grandmother's house and waiting for Little Red Riding Hood to come!!!


Priya said…
Totally makes sense. I wonder what he will say when you introduce him to a full fledged 3 hr Bollywood movie!
Pooja said…
Ok, Brothers Grimm, what have you, to say to that?