Last week I read a news report about a Japanese man finding a woman in his closet. Apparently, the woman had been staying there for almost one year. The woman told the police that she had nowhere to live. The report ended by saying that the Police suspect she might have been closet-hopping, moving from house to house. Hours after I finished reading the article, I kept ruminating over it especially the last sentence. She had proved Maslow's hierarchy of needs correct by trying to meet her basic human needs. But I also kept thinking about the woman and her complete isolation. For one whole year, no one had noticed that she had simply vanished without trace, while she endured loneliness and suffering. I was provoked by her suffering and her unique response to it. She could keep living to fulfill her physiological and safety needs but all these months must have damaged her spirits more than her body. It made me realize that worse than hunger, pain, discomfort and defeat is the feeling that no one, absolutely no one, cares about us. I hope no one experiences such emotions. I prayed for the woman and thanked the news article for reaffirming the value of friendship and my faith in family. I said a silent prayer thanking God for blessing me with both, a loving family and wonderful friends.
Click on the link below for the news article mentioned above:
Click on the link below for the news article mentioned above: